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FSX SP1 tested over 2 hours
Games > PC
1.48 MB

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May 24, 2007

FSX SP1......dlls
needn\'t active
no 30mins limited
I have tested on my computer for over 2hours!


First time try to upload torrent, if any problem just feed back with comment.


Nice ... but have you the new dual core options still activated ????
Yes he got the dualcore options enabled and i flown 50 minutes non stop so far, no activation nagging. Processor utilization for FSX.exe is 60-80% on my Core2Duo, same as i had before this crack.

Well done Blue, thanx a lot and you rule and so on!
yes definatly works and dual core usage is there
Dumb question:
Is the only increase in performance [provided by SP1 supposed to be realized by users of dual core processors? Anyone know if there are any SP1 advantages for single core users?
thanks for the crack

i have c2d and it still sux. it is a little bit better, 20-35 fps on med-high with default instalation (no addons)

FS9 40+ fps ultra-high with many addons + VC...

FSX >> uninstall
no increase here with Athlon 64 3400+ single core.
what a bad piece of software!
FS2004 forever!
Major improvement here, single core user.
Skipp the whole fsx shit. But thanks for the efford BlueBlood_gz.
spanish version here, all perfect. I've been playing for about 1:30 and still no problems... seems that at last this crack works.

I installed the dlls but it asks for activation when I first load up fsx...
Now it's working. Thanks BlueBlood_gz... you rock! :)
Everything works great here. Except you can't do instant replay. But who's complaining.

Great job for now
it seems to work. I installed a fresh copy and the SP1 patch from MS. Then I changed the 3 dll's, the 30 min timer is in the "main.dll". This .dll was missing in the first upload.
Now it's running for about 1 hour without a nag.

But compared to a fully loaded FS 2004 (with photo scenery and terrain) it looks pale.
Think we have to wait for serious add-ons.
That's my opinion, so don't open the fire.

Fukkin thing won't work 4 me. I'm uninstalling FSX and then starting over from scratch. Fucking 2 hours from now it might be re-installed. lol
I'll give an update, but somehow I doubt it's gonna work. :-(
Ho Lee Shiza... I fucked up. lol I have so damn many HDDs I lost track of my active FSX install. I installed the cracks to a backup instead of the active. No wonder the damn thing wouldn't crack! lol
Oh well, my re-insallation went quickly, as all the files were there when I pointed to toe backup drive for the install... and it works!
Thanks BlueBlood_gz - much apprec.!
Now to load up a flight and see if it's at least usable now that SP1's applied.
I think it is working. It didn't ask for activation. I'll tell you in a while if it worked for a long time
I have installed FSX first, then SP1 and then the 3 dll files copy into the main folder.
FPS are really good and no problems with the 30 min rules.
Thanks to BlueBlood_gz, go on.....
BlueBlood, hats off! You did a great job, and faster than "scene" groups.
Thank you for the crack champion!!!
Can you confirm that the replay isn't working?
The replay is fucking working in Free Flight. But in Missions doesn't 'cos Microsoft made it like this!!

Hi guys. 1st, thanks for the crack! Here its working too, but I need a little help... In 2d panel, when i switch to other view and return, with the mouse cursor above the panel bitmap the screen goes white for 2 seconds than back normal. Occurs every time I switch views from 2d to Vc then 2d, or 2d to spot than 2d. Is anyone experiencing this too? Oh, that happened also with pre-sp1 crack ! With originals dll´s, pre and post sp1, does not occur ! Any help please?
Tam 408
You have to remove the three dll of the the fsx's root installing the service again pack and next passing the crack again, I got good results
I had the same roblem as you tam408. Your computer is to blame! not the crack! I have on my desktop an legal copy of FSX and have that problem
Fox2,thanks for the tips, I´ll try here and post a reply.

Dbuster, thanks! I remember I saw that before in some forums by there, its really strange. First I thought it was my copy of FSX, but already heard about it from "legal" users. Dont know if its some king of incompatibility with the vga, or what... mine is NV 7900gt PCIe using the last NV official driver(93.71) and also my Directx is updated with the April version... BTW, I´ll try Fox2 tips and see what happens! Thanks dudes!
Well, I downloaded SP1 directly from the MS-site, and it works OK. No registration or crack needed... Why do U have all theese problems when installing SP1?
I'm curious if this update removes the need for all of those tweaks to get FSX to run on older machines? I've head it will triple fps, but is it true?


Req. - IRIS F-35 /w VTOL gauge & Aerosoft Spanish Airports update
For gixxer - you want F-35 - got to and register - awesome.
Up´n Down, my problems are not related with SP1, its happening here since my first FSX installation some days after sim release. I was thinking was due the crack, some kind of instruction on that dlls accusing some incompatibility with my machine,as with the original ones,running in demo it works well, but heard about ppl using legal copies with the same prob... just tried Fox2 advices but didnt work, the white screen insists in appear... Gixxer81, here didnt tripple the fps, but doubled... where i´ve had 20 turned to 40 and so on...
The same thing happens to me, but I'm running a high end machine.

AMD X2 5200+ 64-bit with 8800GTS DX10 and 2gb DDR2-800mhz Dual-Channel RAM
If you are running NVIDIA, this might help you:

Stutters on nVidia

dg on avsim reports indicate the following procedure greatly helps:

1. Update DirectX to the April 2007 release. The link is below.

April 2007 DirectX Link

2. Install updated drivers ( nVidia recently released the 158.22 nVidia Forceware drivers ) and we hear that a release in 2-3 weeks will fix the texture locking issue that the glass panel tweak addresses.

3. Delete your fsx.cfg and let FSX generate a new one.


Gary Summons reports that adding


To your fsx.cfg file reduces or eliminates the blurries especially with photo-scenery

Note: xxx is whatever your fsx.cfg shows for your graphics config.

Falcon4Allied, you have quite literally made my day 6 times over! Thanks for the info on that site, as I was finally able to download 6 aircraft I've been stuck without seeders on for a while!

As for the patch, double framerates are good to, considering the best I was able to tweak out of FSX in the original install way 10-12fps. That being said, I still don't think I'll make the complete switch until my favorites start to show up in FSX from FS9, which could be some time. Does anyone know where I can find some definitive information about already released add-ons?
I,m going to sound like a twat but, where is the muliti-cpu button? I,ve installed it and can't find it
I was wondering... maybe that could be some incompatibility with AMD based systems? Mine is A64 3200+. I remember I instaled the same copy with the same crack in a friend with core2duo 6300 using my VGA 7900gt with same driver as mine and the "white curse" didnt happen.

Dbuster, I tried all these sets from this site, but enabling mip mapping at 6 via fsx.cfg just brought terrible shimmering here... completely awfull !

Gixxer81, i´m with you... by now, IMHO FS9 is still the best choice.
There is no such button!
For the ones with the white screen problem, try there to set the sim to start with 2d panel. I tried here in it seems the problem´s gone. I made around three 1 hour flights at different times switching views and didnt get the white screen any time. Well, lets keep the tests!
Happy you solved it!
thanks Dbuster!
I did exactly you said, and thats the way I fly, with real world weather updated every 15 mins and no fatal error, no any error... the sim and the crack is working very well... try finding the problem before blame the crack,friend...
Please, Crakers:

Req: Active Sky X & X Graphics

I did what you said, at MMMZ and didnt crash. Its working fine. Just let me know of others airports and I´ll try here, always setting up the flight first of all.
one thing is annoying me, no one rated this five stars, so there you go :D
Yes, the real weather problem was across the board, with or without SP1 or crack, also FS2004 users had problems. Jeppesen had a notice about it on their pages.
Could I have your adress BlueBlood_gz?
I would like to send you a case of beer.
Many thanks..... :-)
Does not need to explain that this works!!!


big big big props on this sp1 crack BlueBlood.

it works 100%, good work.

btw to those having problems with real world weather... this is not crack related... this is not even computer related, it is server-side..

the weather server is giving erroneous data causing FSX to crash.. its been happening to everyone (legit and warez).

it should be fixed soon
Wow, great up! Thanks!
Thank you for this crack. It has made FSX usable, finally on my Athlon Xp 2400OC@2700.

It still is quite heavy, but no longer a slideshow... most of the times.
Need help

Installed sp1 and the rar file, but the game will not work. It starts to load but then shuts off.


Great torrent, this old 60 yr old thanks you my man
You fucking beauty BlueBlood_gz

I want to kiss you all over

Installed sp1 and no go.

Loaded up your torrent and fuck you MS...yoohoo.

I'm in business again

Thanks rock
does it works?

req:helgoland, mytrafficx , my world ,

FSX Hawker Raytheon Package
yes it works :)

FSX ran great at almost max settings before SP1, but now it's incredibly choppy.


The combined actions of installing SP1 over a fresh install of FSX, along with the .CFG entry is THE ULTIMATE FSX performance booster. believe me- I've tried tweaking everything. THIS IS THE THING TO DO, regardless of your PC setup. Single and dual-core machines will benefit immensely.

If you do this, RESPOND with your results. Encourage your fellow TPB members, and let them know I'm not full of shit. Everyone should experience FSX like this.
well that fgx file works a treat and i missed out the defrag as im foing it over night tonight.

thankx a bunch mate
works a treat, thankyou! The fsx.cfg suggestion is top notch too.
I will have to download FSX itself before testing your configuration out, GrifterGrifts - but I have a feeling it will work out just great.
Tack på förhand, as we say in Sweden!
Hey guys. I realy would love to get some peice of help over here :=). I installed FSX sp1 from Ms and it was asking me for a code. "oh." is this working for the Deluxe version? i have it. becoruce when i extraced these files into my FSX folder and overwrited th files and im going to load FSX and it is just loading some stuffs but then it is shutting down. Can anyone help me wiht this? that would be kind
Could someone please tell me what was the fsx.cfg tweak that griftergrift added? I have once copy pasted it but now I have re-installed fsx and I can't find it here anymore.